We are proud to announce version 1.3 of Movedo. A new release with handcrafted and, mainly, super useful new features. Always based on the feedback of our lovely customers.
Two main new responsive options for the responsive menu (“Burger”) and the responsive header. Firstly, Â you can assign a different menu as your responsive menu under Appearance – Menus. Many users need fewer menu items on mobiles, so this feature will be very helpful. Secondly, if you have many menu items, the menu will probably overlap the logo on smaller screens. The solution is to switch to the responsive header on larger screen sizes than the default one (1024 pixels). Anyone can set this threshold under the Theme Options of Movedo.
Amazing new features related to the animations of Movedo. Four new animations – FadeInUp Big, FadeInDown Big, FadeInLeft Big and FadeInRight Big and a new selector to define the duration of your animations in all elements. Select among five values – Very Fast, Fast, Normal, Slow, Very Slow – based on your theme style.
Many other features, improvements and fixes like Gallery Carousel in the Single Product gallery, different tag cloud-style, logo for the admin area etc. New releases for the bundled plugins, Visual Composer and Revolution Slider and fully compatible with the WooCommerce 2.7.
Stay updated, there are many more to come … 🙂